Online Weighted Mean

Given the following set of inputs and their associated weights:


Let n be the number of inputs and their associated weights, x¯nweighted is the weighted sample mean for the first n inputs and their associated weights, x¯n1weighted be the weighted sample mean of the first n1 inputs and their associated weights, wn be the n -th weight associated with input xn, and xn be the n -th input associated with wn. Then, the recurrence equation for the weighted sample mean (a.k.a. online weighted mean) is:


where i=1nwi0. Preferably, all the weights are positive such that i=1nwi>0.



The definition of the sample mean is:


The definition of the weighted sample mean is:


If we expand this definition, we have:


From algebra, we know that for arbitrary a, b, c, and d:


Hence, we have:


Since the weighted sample mean for the first n1 inputs and their associated weights is defined as x¯n1weighted=i=1n1wixii=1n1wi , we have:


Factoring out the 1, we have:


Combining the fractions and factoring out the wn, we have:


Therefore, the recurrence equation for the weighted sample mean (a.k.a. online weighted mean) is:


where i=1nwi0.

Note: If all the weights are the same constant value c (i.e. wi=c for i=1,,n ), the weighted sample mean would be:


For instance, if all the weights are 1, then the weighted sample mean is the sample mean:


Similarly, the online weighted mean with weights of the same constant value c would be:


Therefore, if all the weights are the same constant value c, the online weighted mean is the same as the online mean.

Example of C++ code that computes the online weighted mean:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
    double x;
    double weight;
    double sum_of_weights = 0;
    double weighted_mean = 0;
    double prev_weighted_mean;
    if ( std::cin >> x && std::cin >> weight ) {
        sum_of_weights += weight;
        weighted_mean = x;
        while ( std::cin >> x && std::cin >> weight ) {
            prev_weighted_mean = weighted_mean;
            sum_of_weights += weight;
            weighted_mean = (
                prev_weighted_mean - weight * ( prev_weighted_mean - x ) / sum_of_weights
    std::cout << "sum_of_weights: " << std::setprecision( 17 ) << sum_of_weights << '\n';
    std::cout << "weighted_mean:  " << std::setprecision( 17 ) << weighted_mean << '\n';

Example of data.txt:

-19.313117172629575    2.718281828459045
-34.14656787734913     7.38905609893065
-14.117521595690334    20.085536923187668
.                      .
.                      .
.                      .

Command line:

g++ -o main.exe main.cpp -std=c++11 -march=native -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -static
./main.exe < data.txt

Sample Output:

sum_of_weights: 34843.773845331321
weighted_mean:  -28.368899576339764


Online Weighted Mean

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