WARNING: This page is about how to build the older OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Library last updated on November 8th, 2001, not the "newer" Free OpenGL Utility Toolkit (FreeGLUT) Library.
If you are just starting out (and not maintaining or porting from an older GLUT project), you should build FreeGLUT ... not the GLUT described below.



How To Build the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Library for Win32 using MinGW and MSYS



  1. Download and Install MinGW and MSYS
  2. Download and Unzip the GLUT-for-Win32 Source Code
  3. Download the Makefile
  4. Make Two Modifications to the GLUT-for-Win32 Source Code
  5. Make the GLUT for Win32
  6. Install the GLUT for Win32
  7. Test the GLUT for Win32


  1. Download and Install MinGW and MSYS

    NOTE: During the writing of this procedure, version 4.5.0 of gcc and g++ was installed.

    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

  2. Download and Unzip the GLUT-for-Win32 Source Code


    During the writing of this procedure, the following source code was used:

    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

  3. Download the Makefile

    Right click the following link and save the file:

    Save the makefile to the root of the unzipped GLUT-for-Win32 folder (i.e. glut-3.7.6/ where the README is located).

    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

  4. Make Two Modifications to the GLUT-for-Win32 Source Code

    Make the following modifications:

    1. Add the following lines to include/GL/glut.h starting at line 12:

      #ifdef __MINGW32__
      #define APIENTRY __stdcall
      #define CALLBACK __stdcall

    2. Comment out line 21 in lib/glut/win32_winproc.c so that it reads:

      //#include <crtdbg.h>

    Note: After these modifications have been made glut.h and win32_winproc.c should look like the following:
    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

  5. Make the GLUT for Win32

    In the MinGW Shell (also known as MSYS), cd to the root of the GLUT-for-Win32 folder (i.e. glut-3.7.6/ where the makefile was saved).


    This will make glut32.dll and libglut32.a.

    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

  6. Install the GLUT for Win32

    mingw32-make install

    This will install glut.h in /mingw/include/GL, glut32.dll in /mingw/bin, and libglut32.a in /mingw/lib.

    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

  7. Test the GLUT for Win32

    mingw32-make test

    This will build and run the gears program in progs/mesademos/. The following window will be produced:

    Click here for detailed instructions on how to complete this step.

Relevant gcc and g++ Flags:

gcc -o filename.exe filename.c -mthreads [-march=cpu-type] [-O3] [-Wall] [-Wextra] [-Werror] [-Iinclude-path] [-Llibrary-path] -lglut32 [-lopengl32] [-lglu32] [-mwindows] [-enable-auto-import]
g++ -o filename.exe filename.cpp -mthreads [-std=c++0x] [-ftemplate-depth=n] [-march=cpu-type] [-O3] [-Wall] [-Wextra] [-Werror] [-Iinclude-path] [-Llibrary-path] -lglut32 [-lopengl32] [-lglu32] [-mwindows] [-enable-auto-import]

